20-21th of november


27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

+1 (800) 123 456 678


    Our expertise, as well as our passion for web design, sets us apart from other agencies.

    Evaluation criteria

    Research Aptitude

    Whether you’re an adept researcher or at the very least have some interest in research (be it as your hobby or something you do attentively), this is a skill you’ll want to readily sharpen prior to the conference. Familiarize yourself with recent global and political events around the world. Develop an understanding of your countrys’ history, culture, politics, and style of governance. Most importantly, learn about the ins and outs of your country relative to the committee it’s part of. What impacts does it have? What alliances has it formed? Which country representative(s) typically act in opposition to your country’s representation?

    The merits of good research not only dictate how well you perform as a speaker but also go a long way to making yourself, as a delegate, that much more effective in all categories of evaluation. Research is the foundation with which we find reason to speak and is therefore given particular distinction because of that. We evaluate the contents of a delegates speech through four components:

    • Accuracy of Information: information presented is truthful, accurate, and void of significant bias
    • Use of Data: data driven information is being presented in the speech
    • Use of Quotes: speech contains notable quotations from authorities in the topic agenda
    • Use of Historical Examples: speech contains historical information or anecdotes that supplement arguments or statements


    Other criteria

    Writing skills

    Each delegate will be required to develop a Country Stance Paper (CSP) on the agenda topics their committee will be discussing for the duration of the conference.

    Public Speaking

    If a conference is defined by anything, speeches and the act of speaking have the tendency to be one of the most memorable events.

    Research Aptitude

    Familiarize yourself with recent global and political events around the world. Develop an understanding of your countrys’ history, culture, politics, and style of governance.


    Your attitude can end up being a direct representation of both yourself and your school or university; professionalism and being friendly are prized attributes in our eyes.

    Debating Skills

    Speak emphatically when taking the floor but also understand the importance of speaking with reason and information.
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