20-21th of november


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    Evaluation criteria

    Debating Skills

    Remember that debating is a learned skill. The most capable debaters have years of experience. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t start now. From the get-go, we already know how difficult it can be to capably speak publicly and in a forum that leads to debate and discussion. This evaluation, however, does seek to highlight those who don’t only speak emphatically when taking the floor but also understand the importance of speaking with reason and information. It is, after all, important to be both passionate and objective when you find yourself in front of your fellow delegates. That’s why this conference is introducing an entirely new platform for discourse, the Open Debate. Should two or more delegates have reservations about their opposing representations or a larger topic issue and require a platform to more informally speak on the subject matter, Chairs will provide the floor for this.

    In essence, Open Debates are about how delegates can effectively manage their positions when called out on them. Delegates that have clearly opposing views, and who require greater grounds than conventional caucuses and speakers lists, may call upon a motion to an Open Debate. This provides delegates in opposition to clearly and, with looser restrictions, voice out their concerns in front of the committee for a more expansive debating experience. It’s important to remember that while this platform allows for more open speech, Diplomatic discourse and etiquette still needs to be observed. The hopes are that in providing such a platform, delegates will not only feel compelled to speak more openly and actively, but will effectively attempt to change the minds and perspectives of both those involved in the Open Debate as well as those viewing it. Such a motion can bring life into otherwise redundant session affairs should a committee lack directive in how it can move forward in progressing a topic or in developing a resolution. Talented delegates will know that the best way to utilize this platform will be in how they can break apart opposing views and eventually sway committee opinions for more cohesive discussions and resolution developments. The stage is yours, so take advantage of it!

    Open Debates can be exercised as freely as delegates wish, but are effectively accepted at the Chairs discretion. Chairs are also the deciders for which delegate(s) win, draw and/or lose debates. Points are awarded for all delegates participating in an Open Debate. Points attained vary between winning, drawing and losing. As a result, winners of a debate stand to gain the most points at the end

    Other criteria

    Writing skills

    Each delegate will be required to develop a Country Stance Paper (CSP) on the agenda topics their committee will be discussing for the duration of the conference.

    Public Speaking

    If a conference is defined by anything, speeches and the act of speaking have the tendency to be one of the most memorable events.

    Research Aptitude

    Familiarize yourself with recent global and political events around the world. Develop an understanding of your countrys’ history, culture, politics, and style of governance.


    Your attitude can end up being a direct representation of both yourself and your school or university; professionalism and being friendly are prized attributes in our eyes.

    Debating Skills

    Speak emphatically when taking the floor but also understand the importance of speaking with reason and information.
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